
Have a better career Growth with PMKVY Yojana

What is PMKVY Yojana

Skill India is an initiative scheme of the Government of India. It was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 15th July 2015. The main objective of this yojana is to enhance a large number of Indian youth to take industrial skill training for their better future development. PMKVY is implemented by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), under the guidance of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE). In this scheme training and assessment, fees will be paid by the Government. The Cabinet has approved the scheme for the next four years (2016-20) to transmit skills to 10million youth of our country.

PMKVY Online Registration Process

  1. First you have to find the training centre according to your skill which you prefer to learn. For further PMKVY Online Registration process details you will have to click on the link PMKVY Registration Process
  2. For finding the training center you have to click on the direct link which is as mentioned below: find your training centre
  3. After that you can search the training center in different types like as: Search by sector, by location, by training partner, etc.
  4. While searching you will see the option by “search and location”. With the help of this option you will be able to select the skill and nearby location easily.
  5. Select your State, District, and Sector, and then click on the button find now.

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana Courses

There are various PMKVY courses (कौशल विकास योजना लिस्ट) started under this scheme. To view The courses offered in different fields, sectors/industries such as Sports, Telecom, Textiles & Handloom, Tourism & Hospitality. 

Serial No Industry/Skill/Sector
1 Agriculture
2 Apparel, Made-ups & Home Furnishing
3 Automotive
4 Beauty & Wellness
6 Capital Goods
7 Construction
8 Domestic Workers
9 Electronics
10 Food Industry Capacity and Skill Initiative
11 Handicrafts and Carpet
12 Healthcare
13 Indian Iron and Steel
14 Indian Plumbing
15 Infrastructure Equipment
17 Leather
18 Life Sciences
19 Logistics
20 Media and Entertainment
21 Mining
22 Power
23 Retailers Association’s
24 Rubber
25 Security
26 Skill Council For Green Jobs
27 Skill Council For Persons with Disability
28 Sports
29 Telecom
30 Textile
31 Tourism & Hospitality
32 Furniture & Fittings
33 Gem and Jewellery

Key Components of PMKVY scheme:-

  • Short Term Training- This plan gives an opportunity to 60 lakhs youth to get trained, assessed and ensured.
  • Special Projects.-  This will enable a stage that will encourage preparation in special areas, corporations, Government Premises.
  • Acknowledgment of Earlier Learning- Under this adjusting the abilities of 40 lakh people from the unregulated workforce with NSQF.
  • Kaushal & Rozgar Mela- it is organized every six months by training partners to ensure guarantee plans reach and accomplishment far and wide.
  • Placement Assistance- This will linking the aptitude, information and yearning of Candidates to potential managers.
  • Continuous Monitoring-By using innovation-driven techniques to guarantee high standards of quality maintained under training centers.
  • Standard Branding & Communication- It ensures greater visibility and the exact correspondence of the plan on the ground.

Also read: Top Govt Schemes For Women Empowerment

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