
How To Add Bigrock Custom Domain Name To Blogger

Blogger is the most popular and biggest blogging network in the world. Do you want to add Bigrock custom domain name to blogger? If you have custom domain and don’t know how to add it to blogger then you are at right place. Moving from sub-domain to Custom Domain increase you SEO and make you your blog more professional. Here is a complete step by step tutorial To Add Bigrock Custom Domain Name To Blogger. So, Let’s Follow below steps carefully to add bigrock custom domain to blogger.

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How To Add Bigrock Custom Domain Name To Blogger

First to Add Bigrock Custom Domain Name To Blogger:-

Step 1: Login to your Blogger account and go to settings.

Step 2: Under the Basic Setting Menu. Below your blog address click on Set up a third-party URL. (See below image for reference)

Add Custom Domain name on Blogger

Step 3: Now Enter your custom URL which you want to make your blog address. After you enter the URL, Click on Save Button.

Step 4: After clicking on Save button you will see Error massage as shown below.

Add Bigrock Custom Domain To Blogger

Step 5: Now you need to verify your Domain Ownership. In order to verify Domain ownership you need CNAME records on your Bigrock domain panel. Now copy the CNAME records Shown above.

Step 6: Congrats..! you have completed you setup in Blogger account. Now you need to move to you Bigrock Cpanel account.

Changing CNAME Records to Google Servers:-

Step 1: Login into your Bigrock domain panel and click on the domain which you want add in your Blogger blog.

Step 2: Click on the DNS Management and then Select Manage DNS.

manage bigroock DNS

Step 3: Click on the CNAME records and then click on the Add CNAME records to add the two CNAME records. Add the records as shown in below image.

bigrock cname record

Now add second record by pasting hostname and value from your blogger.

Step 4: Now you have to Add Four A Names with IPv4 Addresses listed below.

bigrock add A record

Step 5: All Set.. 🙂 It will take upto 2 hours to update these settings.

Step 6: Go to blogger and Enter your Custom URL and Click on save.

Hope you will enjoy this article on “Add Bigrock Custom Domain Name To Blogger” . Let me know if have problem while setup in comment box. Don’t forget to share this knowledge with your friends and relatives. Keep Visiting Techwiki..!

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