
The pros and cons of teaching programming in schools

Some believe that Coding is the ” new Literacy”. These people argue that the ability to understand and write computer code is essential to understand how to navigate in modern society, where many of our lives are enabled or constrained by information systems and teaching programming and devices that use computer code.

Primary school students in countries such as Estonia and the UK now know that Coding is part the National Curriculum. Many other countries have begun to consider national coding education as a way of recognizing the growing importance of coding skills and IT jobs in their national economies. There are various forms of training specialists and teaching programming from additional classes at school to hnd assignment help.

The benefits of learning Coding  and teaching programming Schools

  1. Coding is the new literacy

It is no secret that children are born with an almost natural ability to adapt to new technologies. It seems second-nature for children to pick up computers, smartphones and gaming consoles. But that’s only because they are young. As we age, our ability to pick up complicated or technical tasks slows down. It is harder to learn new languages as you age, for example.

This is true for technology and, in particular, coding. Learning to code is as important today as reading and writing. It is a fundamental skill that will help children understand how technology works. Learning to code is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of the world and technology that shapes our lives.

  1. Get ready for the future job market

Schools have a responsibility for providing all the skills and tools necessary to be successful in today’s workplace. This means being able to code is becoming more important. Glassdoor stated that eight out of the 25 most sought-after jobs in America are technology-based and require some coding skills. These roles don’t have to be programmers, but can include data analysts and scientists.

A 2016 Burning Glass survey found that 7 million jobs in the year 2016 valued coding. Computer programmer roles grew 12% faster than average. These positions are among the highest-paid. Coding jobs pay on average $22,000 more per year than those without coding.

It is not a good idea to focus on skills that will leave students with few options in the job market. You give your children the opportunity to build a career by integrating coding into your curriculum.

  1. Learn problem-solving skills

Coding can be intimidating. If you are faced with a difficult problem, frustration can quickly build. Coding teaches children that complex problems can be reduced to a series of smaller, more manageable problems. Coding is often compared to hypothesis testing in science. This is especially true when trying to determine if a particular set of code will work properly. The children will learn how to identify a problem and break it down into smaller segments. They will then test each segment, fixing any problems, before moving on to the next problem.

This mindset is what makes coders great, and it’s one that all students can benefit from, regardless of their subject or circumstance.

  1. Instil perseverance

You need perseverance to succeed in the process of hypothesising and testing, refining and refining. It is frustrating to create a set and then have it fail during testing. This is especially true if the solution isn’t immediately apparent. If you fail to succeed at first, don’t give up.

Coding requires incredible perseverance to learn new things, test, and solve problems. It is a vital life skill that students will use for the rest of his or her lives.

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