
Top 3 Graphic Cards for PC Gaming

Top 3 Graphic Cards for PC Gaming: PC Games are video games played on a personal computer instead of console or arcade machine. PC gaming gained popularity after the video game crash in 1985 where there was a huge recession in the video game industry which dropped from a $3.2bn market in 1983 to a $100M industry. Around this time, IBM launched the IBM PC which was recognized by BYTE, an American microcomputer magazine, as an excellent gaming device. IBM and others sold games like Microsoft Flight Simulator. Today, PC gaming has developed into producing games like World of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Minecraft. Vast development in technology has led to the unbelievably realistic visuals and gameplay which has led to many hours of PC gaming instead of preparing for CAT 2020.

Top 3 Graphic Cards for PC Gaming
Top 3 Graphic Cards for PC Gaming

The PC gaming scene now has a great demand on the hardware of the personal computer. Usually, it requires a fast processor (CPU) to function smoothly, graphic processing unit (GPU) which fastly renders the complex graphic, GPU can be integrated with a computer’s motherboard which is done in laptops, or has a graphic card connected to the motherboard with PCI or AGP ports. Multiple GPUs can also be used on a single gaming PC with technologies engineered by top btech colleges in Bangalore like NVidia’s Scalable Link Interface. Sound Cards are also used to provide audio effects and enhanced audio experience for games. Mostly, personal computers use mouse and keyboard for gaming. Other peripherals used for gaming are joystick, steering wheel and gamepads. Today, most games run on the generic third-party software like Operating System and Microsoft Windows using the libraries and drivers which help in running the game. ‘Top 3 Graphic Cards for PC Gaming’.

In this article, we are going to discuss on the different graphic cards used for gaming. Here are a few of the most popularly used graphic cards for gaming:

  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti:

This is the best and fastest high-end graphics card in the world at the moment. The technical specifications of this graphics cards are; 3,584 Stream Processors, 1,480MHz Core Clock, 11GB GDDR5X Memory, 11GHz Memory Clock, 1 x 6 pin and 1 x 8 pin power connectors, 3 DisplayPort outputs and 1 HDMI outputs. This graphic card supports a large set of games. Apart from the DVI port, the GTX 1080 Ti is similar to other Pascal series graphic cards which is internally equipped with a sophisticated cooling system required to run the games smoothly in 4K resolution.

  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060:

This is the best mid-range graphic card which can be used to start PC gaming. The technical specifications of this graphic cards are; 1,280 Stream Processors, 1,506MHz Core Clock, 6GB GDDR5 Memory, 8Gbps Memory Clock, 1 x 6 pin Power Connectors, 3 DisplayPort 1.4 outputs and 1 HDMI outputs. This graphic card is affordable to the Indian PC gamers which offers 1080p gaming which can be increased to 1440p with increase in clock rate. The downfall of GTX 1060 is it is does not have SLI support limiting the game to a single card.

  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti:

This is one of the best entry-level graphic card for eSports. It is also cost-effective. 768 Stream Processors, 1,290MHz Core Clock, 4GB GDDR5 Memory, 7Gbps Memory Clock, PCle Power Connectors, 3 DisplayPort 1.4 outputs and 1 HDMI outputs. This a good option for beginners which supports most 60fps. It is also a good performer at 1080p and can also be pushed to its limits with clock rate.

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