Top 30 Weird Websites | Amazing Weirdest Websites

Hello, friends today I am sharing some Funny, Interesting and Weird websites with all of you. As this post is not related to blogging but everyone who spends time on the internet can use these websites. This post is especially for those people who have lots of time to spend on the web or who want to pass their time on the internet by using interesting and funny websites.
Don’t want to say but if you are in any stress or if your mind is not fresh or you want to have some fun online then believe me these websites are for you. As here I am sharing the weirdest websites Of Internet and these websites will refresh your mind and you will be relaxed.
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As per the source in the year near around 1,116 million websites were hosted and there are lots of websites which are incredible and weird websites. If you start using them now and every day you check thousands of them, then you need more than 1950 years to complete them. But you can’t live for next 1950 even no one can lol :p but here I am sharing most interesting, funny and weird websites and you gonna enjoy for sure. So let’s start watching them and enjoying these funny, interesting and strange websites.

List of Strange and Weird Websites
1. Clever-Bot
Clever-bot is the best and interesting weird websites on the internet.
I really like this website, and whenever I feel lonely, I just open this website and start using it.
As on this website, you can chat with a very clever bot, and you will be amazed at the answered by this bot.
Believe me, This website can be used for hours. I really like the answer by this bot and if you don’t have any gf or bf then this bot can really help you to pass your time 😀
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2. 973-eht-namuh-973
Such a weird website as I am not able to describe this website. Don’t know what to say about this but as I am sure they are trying to mess with the mind of humans. Maybe they are more clever than us, I just go through the website but not able to pass it may be you can. Give it a try.
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3. Snapbubbles
Have you ever received a gift that came with bubble wrap and it was better than the gift itself?
Now you can snap them all day long!
Enjoy, as you pop virtual bubbles at Bubblewrap Simulator.
I just opened this website and popped 78 bubbles you can also pop now open this website and have fun.
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4. PressSpaceBar
Another Interesting website on the internet as on this website you can play a game which is related to the spacebar button of the keyboard. How many times can you press the spacebar button in 5sec,10sec or 15sec? If you want to know, then open this website and know about it now. I opened this website, and my best score was 43 you can see in the above image 🙂
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5. Zombo
Welcome to, this is, welcome, this is, welcome to
You can do anything at, anything at all, the only limit is yourself.
Welcome to, Welcome to, this is
Such a weird website as a man keep welcoming to you on the He keeps welcoming you nonstop and you will be welcomed by him nonstop and unstoppable :p . Isn’t it weird? You can open this website whenever you want to feel that you’re awesome. So open this website and have fun
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6. Eelsleep
This is another weirdest websites for you in this list. This website is also in the category of the weird website as on this website you can see a man getting slapped.
There is nothing extra on this website as there are only a man and an eel.
When you’ll move your mouse on this website the eel will slap the man. So open the website and hit the man.
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7. Rhett and Lick
Well you may have seen dogs licking the wall or glass or screen. But this time this is totally weird.
As I never have seen a man licking the screen and it is very disgusting. Rhett and lick are weird websites on the internet.
Two YouTubers made a video and posted on this website and in this video they are licking the glass.
I again warn you this is very weird to watch but if you want to see them then click on below.
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8. Pointer pointer
Pointer pointer is weird websites on the internet. Weird but funny website as this website will show how to get to the point. As on this website, there are so many pointing images and whenever you will move your mouse you will see another pointing image. Quite funny :p
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9. Arkadia
Another great and also interesting website, and it contains an illusion and believes me this is one the best illusion site. It contains an infinite zoom illusion which will amaze you for sure. Have a look and you will see why I mentioned it here.
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10. Heyyeyaaeyaaaeyaeyaa
This is a weird but funny website too. Open this website and listen to a cool song as on this website He-Man singing “What’s Up?” (HEYYEYAA) nonstop and weirdest the thing is that Reddit people mentioned it as their favorite website.
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11. Gay Test
Are you sure you are not a gay? Oh, wait as I know you will surely say you are not. But this website gently tests if you are gay or not. So open this website and don’t forget to share your result in comments 🙂
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12. Haneke
I am not sure what’s the purpose of this website and after watching this website, you will also say what a weirdest website. As on this website, you will see blue balls moving everywhere. Maybe some of you like or some not.
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13. Zombiepassions
A free online dating & social networking site for zombies, zombie lovers, zombie haters, zombie groupies, and zombie survivalists among other related groups of people related to this.
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14. Ilooklikebarackobama
This is another weirdest websites for you in this list. Don’t know this man is crazy or he is just having fun by saying that he looks like Barack O Bama. Something is wrong here as this man created this website just to clarify that he is not the president of the United States. Isn’t it weird check the website and you will know what I am saying.
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A great funny website as this website contains only wallpaper and a button. This website for you if you have a bad day. Just open the website and press the button and listen to a big nooooooooooooo. Press the button as many times you want and listen to the weird sound.
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16. Flightradar
Do you know you can spy on every single plane flying right now? Yes, you read it right on this website have the data of every single plane flying currently. Don’t why the owner made this website but this weird website allows you to do this. Just open the website and click on the plan and boom you will get the results about it.
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17. Falling falling
What happens when every single web page start falling? This is a supremely weird website as open the website, and you will know what I am talking about. Fall fall falls everything falls 😛
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18. R33b
Open this website and please let me know if you found the purpose of this website. As on this website, this is written ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD but in the actual site is nothing. Have a look at this website yourself.
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19. Rainymood
Do you guys love rain? Yes, then this website is for you as this is a very interesting website and on this website, you can listen to the real rain voice and enjoy. Just open the website and close your eyes and just feel the sound. You will feel so relaxed for sure.
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20. FeedTheHead
Do you think you are intelligent? Then let me prove you wrong, don’t get me wrong. As there is a website called Feed The Head on the internet. If you success to solve this game, then you are a true genius. This is really a great and interesting website.
21. Omfgdogs
Perfect place to see so many cute little dogs in a single place. Just open the website and you will learn what is on this website :p
22. Staggering beauty
This website contains a wiggly worm and flashes image. The website is containing the worm which moves when you moves your mouse. And when you move your mouse in full speed an incredible thing will happen just open and have a look 😀. You can also read Best Anime Torrent Sites.
23. Thequietplaceproject
Don’t you think sometimes you need a quiet place to go? This website is for those who wants to chill out just open and have a look.
24. Thenicestplaceontheinter
The nicest place on the internet as on this website you will surely feel special and everyone will make you feel happy. Whenever you feel sad or want to spend time with good people, just open this website. You will love the background music and hugs from all peoples.
25. Patienceisavirtue
This is another strange websites for you. Patience is the key to success, and if you can’t keep patience, then you are nothing. No need to explain more here as you can open this website and learn what I want to say here. Keep patience remember this 🙂
26. Tholman
Tholman is amazing interesting websites on the internet now. The best place to play with text and drawing. Open this website and add your text from right sidebar and then click left the button on the mouse and move it. You will learn the game.
27. Mapcrunch
This is very interesting website as if you love to travel the world this may can help.
When you’ll open this website it will show any random street.
The image will 360 degree so you can see the street from any angle and also you can move forward or backward with the help of the mouse.
If you want to change the street then click on go button and also you can get the name of street from the left top side.
28. Anasomnia
If you sleep late at night then this website is for you. This is another strange websites for you.
Open this website and they will ask for permission to access the camera. Give permission to get the full fun.
You’ll see a girl who will say to turn off the lights. Just block the camera with your hand or turn off the lights.
Now the real fun will start. Just open the website and enjoy the ride and thank me later 🙂
29. Biglongnow
Biglongnow is an interesting websites on the internet. Don’t know what comes into the mind of the owner of this website.
On this website you will see a door and when you’ll open the door then it will not show any person or else, but you’ll get another door.
So you’ll get door after door which is never going to end. So i suggest you to open this website at your own risk.
30. Zoomquilt
Another illusion, interesting websites and hats off to the thinking of the creator as this is the very best infinite zoom illusion ever. Just have a look and you will be amazed for sure.
31. Endless Horse
This is another one of the weird websites for you. Well by the name of this website you can get the idea of what will happen when you open this website.
This website contains nothing but a horse which is made by text and when you scroll down the legs of this horse keep growing.
This means there is no way to stop and you’ll maybe die scrolling but this is not going to end. Such a weird website don’t know why the owner made this website 😛
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Final Words
I really hope you enjoyed these weird websites. Let me know which interesting websites you enjoyed the most in the comment section. Don’t forget to share this Weirdest Websites list to your friends and relatives. Keep visiting techwiki… 🙂